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Search Results View

GlobalSearch Go presents your search results in a compact list or "Grid" to efficiently view many records at a glance. From the Grid, you can easily open, move, resize, and sort your results for a custom view of your data. You can edit indexing data directly in the Grid and export results to reports in your favorite spreadsheet application.

Search results menu options.

Search Results View Menu Bar

Search Results Toolbar

  1. Toggle Left Sidebar ( menus.png ) - Show or hide the Navigation Panel.

  1. Archive Search Results ( File Box.png ) - Displays the name of the archive currently being displayed and the number of search results. If multiple archives return results, a dropdown list of archives becomes available.

Small multi archive.png

Multi-Archive Search Results

  1. Refine Search ( REfine search.png) - Open the search prompt and retain the data that was entered to return the existing results. Add additional data to refine your search results.

  2. Refresh Search ( refresh.png ) - Check for newly added documents that meet your pervious search criteria without opening the search prompt.

  3. Toggle Edit Data ( pencil.png ) - Enable editing of index data in the grid.

  1. Actions( briefcase-with-tick-inside.png ) - Do more with your documents.

    1. Open Documents - Opens the selected document(s) in a single viewer.

    2. Open in Full Viewer - Opens the selected document(s) in the legacy GlobalSearch browser client.

    3. Export - Exports the selected document(s) as separate files in their native file format.

    4. Enhanced Export - Export data and documents from GlobalSearch.

    5. Download as CSV - Exports data for the selected documents as a CSV file.

    6. Email - Automatically create new email messages with selected GlobalSearch documents attached. Send with or without annotations and use an index field as the file name.*

    7. Print - You can print documents and their indexing data to a printer or PDF file. The exact printer settings and behavior will depend upon your browser application and printer setup.

    8. Launch - Open a document in its native format to make edits and save changes back to GlobalSearch.*

    9. Copy - Creates a copy of the selected document(s) into an archive or inbox.

    10. Merge - Merges selected document together in the order in which they are selected.

    11. Insert from inbox - Appends one or more documents from an inbox to the beginning (prepend) or end (append) the selected document.

    12. Insert from search - Appends one or more documents returned as a result of a Favorites search to the beginning (prepend) or end (append) the selected document.

    13. Move - Move the selected document(s) to a new archive.

    14. Delete- Deletes the selected document(s).

List of available actions in the actions menu.

Actions Menu

*Launch extension must be enabled and configured for this function to be available.

  1. Favorites ( star.png ) - Add the perviously run search to the Favorites pane of the Archive Panel .

  2. Share ( share.png ) - Generate an expiring link to share a document with those inside and outside your organization.

  3. Toggle Right Sidebar ( Toggle Right Sidebar.png ) - To the right of the search results, the Search Results View Sidebar on the right allows you to control how your search results are displayed, preview a document, and view the audit trail.

a. Grid Settings - Configure how the columns of Index Field values display in the Search Results View.

Change grid setting options.

Grid Settings

b. PDF Preview - Displays a preview of the document without opening the document into the document viewer or a PDF preview window. View thumbnails of the pages, search the document, scroll through its pages, and print or export directly from the Search Results View.

PDF Preview

c. Doc History - Document History lists any interactions taken on the selected document from viewing to export.

Document History

  1. Search Results - The Search Results Grid displays the documents that match your search criteria. The default setting will display the index data in the order configured by your GlobalSearch Administrator with the newest entries first. You can rearrange the order and visibility of the fields and apply sorting to customize your experience.

Search Results Grid

A list of document data returned in the form of a grid.

Search Results View Grid

  1. View Tabs - View Tabs allow for visual tab based grouping within a search result.  Only visible when configured on the archive and enabled on the selected search.

  1. Index Fields - High value data associated with documents.

    1. Sorting - Sort the list by newest first, alphabetically, or reverse alphabetically by clicking the name of the index field.

    2. Re-arranging - Rearrange the order the columns appear in the grid.

    3. Filter - Use operator such as contains, greater than, etc. to further narrows down your search results.

Change the order by clicking the index field heater, drag index field headers to re-arrange, and click the filter to the right of the index field to narrow down results.

Index Field Sorting, Re-arranging, and Filtering

  1. Select All Documents - Selects or deselects all the documents on the current search results page.

  2. Document Selector - Selects the individual document for actions such as sharing, printing, exporting, etc.

  3. File Type - Displays the document file type.

  4. Page Navigation - Use this to navigation through your results. You can jump to a Search Results page, click through pages, and set how many records per page are displayed.

Table Data

When table data is associated with a document, the table can be viewed at the bottom of the search results view by clicking on the table field.

Search Results View Table Data

  1. Table Field ( Data Table.png ) - Indicates the index field is a table field in the grid view. Clicking the table field icon will display the documents data in a data table below the search results grid.

  2. Data Table - Grid containing repeating document table fields.

  3. Add a Row ( plus.png ) - Adds a row to the table. If no row is selected or multiple rows are selected, the row is added to the bottom of the table. If a row is selected, the new row is added below the selected row.

  4. Delete a Row ( trash-bin.png ) - Deletes the selected row(s).

  5. Save ( save.png ) - Saves any changes/updates to the table without closing the table view.

  6. Close ( close.png ) - Closes the table view in the grid.

Table options are only available when edit ( pencil.png ) is enabled.

Multi-Value Fields

Multi value field indicated by the icon in the index field.

Multi-Value Fields

  1. Multi-Value Field ( Multi Value Field.png ) - Indicates a field that can hold multiple, discrete values.

    1. Ellipsis ( ellipsis.png ) - Options to add and remove values.

      1. Insert Above - Adds a row above the selected row.

      2. Insert Below - Adds a row below the selected row.

      3. Delete - Deletes the selected row and any data in that row.

    2. Cancel - Close the Multi-Value Field Window.

    3. Clear - Clears all values in the field.

    4. Add - Adds a new field to the bottom of the list.

    5. Save - Save the values without closing the window.

Multivalue field window.

Editing a Multi-Value Field

multivalue fields ellipsis options.

Ellipsis Options

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