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Navigation Panel

The Navigation Panel contains up to 4 panes depending on settings: Tasks, Favorites, Inboxes, and Archives. Here you can navigate between archives and inboxes, view documents awaiting your action in a GlobalAction tasks, run searches, and import documents.

Clicking the Up Pointer (up-arrow.png) collapses the items in the pane, clicking the Down Pointer (down.png) expands the pane to display the items.

The navigation panel on the left side of the screen contains tasks, favorites, inboxes, and archives.

Navigation Panel

  1. Tasks ( agreement.png ) - The Tasks pane is available when GlobalAction Tasks have been enabled in User Settings and one or more Available Tasks has been enabled. Tasks provide quick access to documents in GlobalAction workflows that are awaiting user interaction. You can open individual documents from the list of documents awaiting action or select multiple documents and use the Actions menu to select an available action from the list to apply to all selected documents.

  2. Favorites ( star.png ) - Favorites give you one click access to any searches to which you are secured. You can favorite as many searches as you want and they are added to the Favorites pane in the Navigation panel. Favorites gives you the flexibility to name your favorited search, decide if the search prompt will appear when clicked, and the ability to keep the last set of search criteria. You can do all of this and still have access to the original search within the Archive Ellipsis menu.

  1. Inboxes ( inbox.png ) - Inboxes are commonly used for temporary storage of document files prior to indexing.  Inboxes are not bound to a database, so they may be used as a staging location for one user that may be indexing to multiple databases.

    1. Ellipsis Menu (ellipsis.png)- Contains options for importing documents into an Inbox.

      1. Import ( archive.png ) - Opens a file explorer window to select a document for import.

      2. Scan ( scanner.png ) - Triggers the local desktop scanner to scan a document into the Inbox.

Import and Scan documents into an inbox.

Inbox Ellipsis Menu

  1. Archives ( File Box.png ) - Archives act as the repository for all your business records once the indexing process has been completed.

    1. Child Archive ( folder.png ) - The black folder to the right of an Archive name indicates that the Archive has Sub-Archives. Click the folder to see the list of Sub-Archives. Click the Back ( left-arrow.png ) icon to at the top of the Archives pane to move up a level in the Archive tree.

    2. Ellipsis Menu (ellipsis.png)- Contains options for importing documents into an Archive and a list of available Searches.

      1. Scan ( scanner.png ) - Triggers the local desktop scanner to scan a document into the Archive.

      2. Import ( archive.png ) - Opens a file explorer window to select a document for import into the Archive.

      3. Import CSV ( upload-to-cloud-button.png ) - Used to bulk import records where the data is stored in a CSV file that contains the data and file path to the associated document.

      4. Search ( search.png ) - Indicates this is a search. Selecting a search will open the search prompt and return results.

Child archives live under their parent.

Child Archive

Import documents into an archive or chose a search from the list.

Archive Ellipsis Menu

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