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GlobalAction Tasks

The Tasks pane is available when GlobalAction Tasks have been enabled in User Settings and one or more Available Tasks has been enabled. Tasks provide quick access to documents in GlobalAction workflows that are awaiting user interaction. You can open individual documents from the list of documents awaiting action or select multiple documents and use the Actions menu to select an available action from the list to apply to all selected documents.

Tasks available at the top of the navigation pane.

GlobalAction Tasks

Taking Action Using GlobalAction Tasks

  1. Select a task from the list of available tasks to find any documents currently awaiting action.

Documents waiting action in a GlobalAction workflow.

Documents Awaiting Action in a GlobalAction Workflow

Taking Action from the Search Results View

  1. Select one or more documents to take the same action on and click the Actions ( Actions Menu.png ) menu.

Select the documents and select the actions menu.

Select Documents and Click Actions

  1. The Action ( Actions Menu.png )menu will give display a list of available actions that can be taken on the selected documents. Select the desired action.

Select the action to take on all documents.

Select the Action to take on all selected documents

If more than one document is selected, all documents must be undergoing the same action.

Taking Action from the Document Viewer

  1. To open in the Document Viewer:

    1. If opening a single document, double-click on the document.

    2. If opening one or more documents, select the desired documents and click on the actions menu.

      1. From the Actions ( Actions Menu.png ) menu, select Open Document, or Open in full viewer.

Select Open documents or open documents in full viewer.

Opening Documents in the Document Viewer

  1. The available workflow actions will be visible at the bottom of the Indexer. Select the desired action.

Select action from the bottom of the indexer.

Taking Action in the Document Viewer

  1. If you opened multiple documents, you can navigate between the documents using the document selector in the Document Viewer Toolbar.

Viewing multiple documents to take action.

Multiple Documents

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