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Exporting Data and Documents

Exporting Data and Documents from GlobalSearch is setup to be easy. Export data only so you can perform complex analysis of the data, do to more advanced sorting and grouping, or push data to another line of business application. Export documents for sharing or keeping a local copy. Export data and documents if create a data file with pointers to the file location of the exported documents.

Exporting Data requires View and Export Data permissions. Exporting Documents requires View and Export Document permissions. Contact your GlobalSearch Administrator for your permission settings.


Export documents from GlobalSearch to keep local copies, share with others, etc.

Search Results View

  1. Run a search that returns the documents to export and select the documents to export.

documents to be exported are selected in the search results view

Select Documents

  1. From the Actions ( Actions Menu.png ) menu, select Export.

Actions menu for the selected documents.


  1. The document(s) will be automatically downloaded to the downloads folder.

Document Viewer

  1. Select a document and open in the GlobalSearch Document Viewer.

Document open in the document viewer.

Document Viewer

  1. From the Actions ( Actions Menu.png ) menu, select Export.

Actions menu for the document in the viewer.


  1. The document will be automatically downloaded to the downloads folder.

Enhanced Export

Enhanced Export allows you to generate a CSV file of data for the selected documents and export the documents to a local folder. The CSV file will contain the exported data and the file name of the document to which the data is associated with. By default, documents are exported in their original file format without any annotations and a randomly generated 32 character file name.

  1. Run a Search and select one or more documents.

documents to be exported are selected in the search results view

Selected Documents

  1. In the Actions ( Actions Menu.png ) menu, click Enhanced Export.

Actions menu for the selected documents.

Enhanced Export

  1. In the Export Documents window, the Select file options are:

    1. Exported Filename - The name applied to the exported document file. Any duplicate file name will be resolved by Windows with a number. You can use one or more index fields to name the files by typing the less than symbol ( < ). This will display a list of available index fields.

    2. Convert to PDF - Converts all exported documents to PDF.

    3. Convert to Black & White - Converts color documents to black and white. All documents are converted to PDF.

    4. Include Annotations - Burns any annotation on the document onto the exported file. All documents are converted to PDF.

Export Documents select file options.

Select File Options

  1. After setting the file options, clicking export will export the document without a data file.

  2. Click Select field data options to configure the CSV output file.

Export Documents popup window.

Export Documents

  1. Enabling Include Field Data reveals the output CSV file options:

    1. CSV Filename - The name of the output CSV file. This is required and must end in .csv.

    2. Delimiter - The character between the fields in the output file. This is required and set as a comma ( , )by default.

    3. String Delimiter - The character that indicates the start and end of a string. This is required an set as quotation marks ( “ ) by default.

    4. Include Headers - When enabled, includes the index field headers in the first row of the output file.

    5. Include All Fields - When enabled, the Exported Fields option disappears and all the index fields are exported.

    6. Exported Fields - Enter the data field to export if Include All Fields is not enabled. This is a dropdown list of available index fields and multiple index fields can be added.

Export Documents select field data options.

Select Field Data

Export documents include field data enabled.

Include Fields Data Enabled

Export Documents include all fields enabled.

Include All Fields Enabled

  1. Click Export and a ZIP file containing the exported documents and data file is added to your default downloads folder.

Exported data and documents.

Exported File

Download as CSV

When you need to perform complex analysis on data or for more complex sorting and grouping capabilities on the data, GlobalSearch offers a fast and efficient means for exporting the data for specified documents in a Search Results Document List. The Download as CSV menu option appears in the Actions ( Actions Menu.png ) menu when you have enabled the IO Extension.  

  1. Run a Search and select one or more documents.

documents whose data is to be exported are selected in the search results view

Selected Documents

  1. In the Actions ( Actions Menu.png ) menu, click Download as CSV.

Download as CSV

  1. Select Default Configuration will download the default CSV file. This file includes all index fields with headers and uses a comma as a delimiter.

Download as CSV sub menu.

Default Configuration

  1. By selecting Advanced Configuration, the Download as CSV popup appears. Here you can choose a different delimiter and whether or not to include headers.

Download as CSV sub menu.

Advanced Configuration

Download as CSV popup optons.

Download as CSV

  1. Click OK to download the CSV file or Cancel to cancel the download.

  2. The CSV file will be downloaded to your default download location.

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