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Public Portal Document Viewer

From the Document Viewer, you can easily scroll through the pages of a document, search the content of the document, and export the document.

GlobalSearch Toolbar

The GlobalSearch Toolbar remains at the top of the browser window regardless of what functions you are performing. This toolbar allows you to easily access functions that stretch across the different GlobalSearch views. While the toolbar largely remains unchanged from the one that appears on the Dashboard, the Search Results View and the Document Viewer as an additional icon.

  1. Home ( home.png ) - Returns you to the Dashboard. This icon only appears in the Search Results View and the Document Viewer.

The document viewer toolbar under the globalsearch toolbar.

Document Viewer Toolbar

Document Viewer Toolbar

  1. Results ( Results.png ) - Returns to the search results page.

  2. Copy Link to Clipboard ( link.png ) - Adds a link to the specific document to the document to the clipboard. Past the link for quick access to return to this document.

  3. Download ( download (1).png ) - Downloads a copy of the document.

Document Viewer Pane

Document viewer pane with thumbnails shown.

Document Viewer Pane

  1. Toggle Sidebar ( side-bar.png ) - By default, the thumbnail pane within the document is always closed. Clicking on the Toggle Sidebar will expand and collapse the thumbnail pane. Functions not available in the document will be disabled.

    1. Show Pages ( show pages.png ) - Displays the pages as thumbnails in the sidebar.

    2. Show Document Outline ( Outline.png ) - Displays the document outline if one exists.

    3. Show Attachments ( attach.png ) - Displays a list of any attached files. Clicking the attachment will download a copy of that attachment to the local drive.

    4. Show Layers ( layers.png ) - Displays a list of layers on the PDF. Show and hide any available layers.

Document pane thumbnail sidebar and options.

Thumbnail Sidebar

  1. Find in Document ( search.png ) - Search the content of a document for word or phrases.

    1. Left Arrow ( left.png ) - Move to the pervious instance of found text.

    2. Right Arrow ( right (1).png ) - Move to the next instance of found text.

    3. Highlight All - Highlights all found instances of the word or phrase.

    4. Match Case - The case of the found text must match the case of the search text.

    5. Match Diacritics - Only match words that have the same diacritics (accent marks, cedillas, etc.).

    6. Whole Words - Only entire words that match the search text will be highlighted.

Content search any text searchable document.

Find in Document

  1. Page Navigation - Move between pages of the document.

    1. Previous Page ( up-arrow.png ) - Move to the previous page of the document.

    2. Next Page ( down.png ) - Move to the next page of the document.

    3. Page Select - Enter a specific page to “jump” to the indicated page.

Navigate between pages of the document or skip to pages.

Page Navigation

  1. Document Scaling - Zoom in, zoom out, or fit the document to optimize viewing.

    1. Zoom Out ( minus.png ) - Makes the document smaller in the document pane allowing for viewing more of the pages in the window.

    2. Zoom In ( plus.png ) - Makes the document larger in the document pane allowing for viewing a larger, closer image.

    3. Zoom Options - Select preconfigured sizes.

      1. Automatic Zoom - Optimal zoom is selected based on window size.

      2. Actual Size - Sets the zoom to 100%

      3. Fit Page - Fits the entire page in the window.

      4. Fit Width - Fills the width of the window with the document.

  2. Print ( printer.png ) - Print document to a printer or PDF file. The exact printer settings and behavior will depend upon your browser application and printer setup.

  3. Save ( Save download.png ) - Download a copy of the document in its original file format to local storage.

  1. Tools ( right.png ) - Manipulate your document.

    1. Presentation Mode - Opens the document in full screen mode.

    2. Current Page - Not currently implemented.

    3. Go to First Page - Jump to the first page of the document.

    4. Go to Last Page - Jump to the last page of the document.

    5. Rotate Clockwise - Rotates all pages of the document to the right by 90 degrees.

    6. Rotate Counterclockwise - Rotates all pages of the document to the left by 90 degrees.

    7. Text Selection Tool - Select text within the document that can then be copied elsewhere. This does not allow editing of the document.

    8. Hand Tool - Click and drag to move the document around in the viewer pane.

    9. Page Scrolling - Limits scrolling to one page. Use the page navigation buttons to move between pages.

    10. Vertical Scrolling - Pages are arranged vertically. Scroll up and down the entirety of the document from page to page.

    11. Horizontal Scrolling - Pages are arranged horizontally. Scroll side to side the entirety of the document from page to page.

    12. Wrapped Scrolling - When zoomed out of a large document, if pages are side by side, scrolling will scroll left to right through the row before scrolling vertically to the next row.

    13. No Spreads - Pages are arranged in a single column.

    14. Odd Spreads - Pages are situated in 2 columns with an odd page followed by an even page in the same row. Each odd page starts a new row.

    15. Even Spreads - Pages are situated in 2 columns with an even page followed by an odd page in the same row. Each even page starts a new row.

    16. Document Properties - Displays the document properties such as file type, size, author, etc.

List of available tools in the document pane.

Tools Menu

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