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GlobalSearch Toolbar

The GlobalSearch Toolbar remains at the top of the browser window regardless of what functions you are performing. This toolbar allows you to easily access functions that stretch across the different GlobalSearch views. The functions available in the GlobalSearch Toolbar may vary based on permissions and actions being performed.

GlobalSearch Toolbar

The toolbar running across the top of the page contains the GlobalSearch Logo on the left with the Return to Database Icon directly next to it.  On the right side of the toolbar are the Administration, Database Select, Feedback, More information, and User Settings Options.

GlobalSearch Toolbar

  1. Return to Database Dashboard ( home.png ) - Return to the database selection screen to select a new database to work in.*

  2. Administration ( padlock.png ) - Navigate to administrative interface where system administrators can create Square 9 Users and set database permissions for all users.*

  3. Database Select ( dns.png ) - GlobalSearch documents are stored in database repositories. Select a database from the list of available databases.* If nothing appears when selected, there are no other databases available to you.

  4. Submit Feedback ( chat.png ) - Opens your default email program and addresses an email to Square 9 for you to provide feedback about your GlobalSearch Go experience and make suggestions for improvements.

  5. Help ( question.png ) - Directs you to the landing page for the Square 9 Knowledge Base where you can find helpful information about using your GlobalSearch solution.

  1. User Settings ( user.png ) - Customize your GlobalSearch experience.

    1. About ( info.png ) - Access GlobalSearch licenses agreements.

    2. Extensions ( extension.png ) - Download and access the GlobalSearch Extensions settings.**

    3. Settings ( setting.png ) - Open the settings menu to control the behavior, appearance, and language of GlobalSearch. Modify your KeyFree indexing settings and change your password.

    4. Logout ( logout.png ) - Logout of GlobalSearch.

    5. Mode ( moon.png ) - Set your theme to Light or Dark mode.

    6. Browser Notifications ( bell.png ) - Enable or Disable GlobalSearch notifications from your browser.

When expanded, user settings contains information about licensing, user customizable settings, logging out of GlobalSearch, setting the mode to light or dark and allowing browser notifications.

User Settings

Additional Toolbar Icon

This icon is generally not visible in the GlobalSearch Toolbar but may appear under specific circumstances.

Import Data and Documents Job Manager ( briefcase.png ) - When completing an Import CSV, an additional icon will appear in the GlobalSearch Toolbar. This is the Import Data and Documents Job Manager icon. This indicates that an Import CSV has happened and displays the results of that import. When the job is deleted, the icon disappears.

Import CSV briefcase icon in the Globalsearch Toolbar.

Import CSV

*Options will vary based on your permissions.

**Extensions are required to perform certain functions such as Launch, Scan, etc.

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