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Login and Database Select

Enter your Instance


If using a Square 9 hosted cloud instance of GlobalSearch, to access the GlobalSearch Go interface:

  1. Enter in the browser URL.

Cloud landing page to enter the instance of GlobalSearch to connect to. Landing Page

  1. Enter your Square 9 Cloud instance name. It will follow the pattern: If you are unsure of your instance name, navigate to your current Square 9 GlobalSearch instance and you will find your instance name at the beginning of the URL.

Get your instance name by logging into your current Globalsearch instance and inspecting the URL.

Getting Your Instance Name

  1. The login prompt for your username and password will appear. You can see the instance of GlobalSearch you are logging into below the login button along with an Edit Instance ( pencil.png ) option to change the instance to which you are connecting.

Login screen with instance name.


  1. Once logged in, bookmark the page to navigate directly to your GlobalSearch instance.

On Premise

GlobalSearch Go requires that all connections be over SSL. You will need your FQDN and an SSL certificate or you need a self signed certificate and your clients need to be configured to trust it.

If using an On Premise instance of GlobalSearch, to access the GlobalSearch Go interface:

  1. Enter in the browser URL.

Cloud landing page to enter the instance of GlobalSearch to connect to. Landing Page

  1. Enter your Square 9 FQDN.  It will follow the pattern: mydomainname/square9web/index.html. If you are unsure of your domain name, navigate to your current Square 9 GlobalSearch instance and you will find your FQDN  at the beginning of the URL, or reach out to our local IT administrator.

Get your instance name by logging into your current Globalsearch instance and inspecting the URL.

Getting Your Instance Name

  1. The login prompt for your username and password will appear. You can see the instance of GlobalSearch you are logging into below the login button along with an Edit Instance ( pencil.png ) option to change the instance to which you are connecting.

Login page


  1. Once logged in, bookmark the page to navigate directly to your GlobalSearch instance.

Database Select

GlobalSearch documents are stored in database repositories. If you have logged into a GlobalSearch installation with more than one database, you will be prompted to select a database when you log in. If you have only a single database or have permissions to only one of several databases, regardless of license, you will be automatically logged into that database.

Database Select at Login

When the Select Your Database interface appears, select a database from the list of databases you have permissions to access.

Database Selection

Toolbar Database Selector

Once you have logged into a database, you can select a database from the GlobalSearch Toolbar by clicking the Database Select ( dns.png ) icon.

Select the database select option to display a list of available database.

Use the Database Select in the Toolbar

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