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Understanding Search Conditions

GlobalSearch features different types of Searching Conditions, which can be configured to help you narrow down your list of documents to view. The Search name or the prompts in the Search dialog box should help indicate the kind of Search which will be performed. 

Type of Search

Enter at the Prompt

Search Results


Part or all of a word, phrase, or number

Includes what you have entered. For example, if you enter “Square 9” to the search field, the Contains Search will find both “Square 9” and “Square 9 Softworks”


Characters or numbers, can also use a wildcard asterisk ( * )

Exactly the value you have entered

Vary your results with:

  • Use * to creating a “begins with,” “ends with,” or “contains” search. For example, *2016 means “ends with” 2016, 082* means “begins with” 082 and *8* means “contains” 8 at least once anywhere in the Field

  • If a search field prompts for a date, you can use @today to search for documents with current date

Does Not Equal

Characters or numbers which are not entered

Everything except the search value

Greater than or Equal to

A number or date/time

(not characters)

Values greater than or equal to the numeric search value or values later than or equal to the chronologic search value

Less than or Equal to

A number or date/time

(not characters)

Values less than or equal to the numeric search value or values earlier than or equal to the chronologic search value

Is not Empty

Any characters or numbers

Searches not for specific data, but for the presence of data

Is Empty

Any characters or numbers

Searches for a lack of data

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