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Guest Access and Dashboards

GlobalSearch natively supports public access experiences. To enable unauthenticated, public access to GlobalSearch, first enable the Guest user account in User Management.

Dashboards provide a card style display for gaining access to your most common searches. While dashboards are intended to give public/guest users a simple navigation experience within the product, dashboards may also be used for internal users. Cloud users have the ability to manage Dashboards directly from the Cloud Administration management page.

Guest Access

Enable Guest Access in the Cloud Administration Dashboard

  1. Login to GlobalSearch as a user with administrative privileges.

  2. From the Administration( Administration Menu.png ) menu in the GlobalSearch toolbar, select Administration.

GlobalSearch search results view with the Administration menu expanded.

Access the Administration Page

  1. Using the Links ( Links Menu.png ) menu in the GlobalSearch toolbar, select Dashboard from the dropdown list.

GlobalSearch Administration page with links menu expanded.

Administration Page

  1. From the Cloud Dashboard menu on the left, click Guest Configuration ( Guest Configuration.png ).

Cloud Dashboard Admin Dashboard page with the page options down the left.

Cloud Dashboard Admin Dashboard

  1. Under Guest Options, click the toggle to Enable guest login button to on.

Guest configuration page with the Enable Guest login button enabled.

Guest Configuration Page

Enable Guest Access in User Management

  1. Login to GlobalSearch as a user with administrative privileges.

  2. From the Administration( Administration Menu.png ) menu in the GlobalSearch toolbar, select User Management.

Access the User Management Page

  1. In the Users and Groups pane, click the Edit ( Edit.png ) tab.

User management screen.

User Management

  1. Toggle Guest User Enabled to on.  This will add the Guest user to the Unsecured tab.

Enable Guest User toggled on.

User Management Edit Tab

Secure Guest User

The Guest User needs to be secured to the appropriate Databases, Archives, and Searches to allow for guest users to access document.

Database Access

To assign the Guest user a license and provide access to one or more databases, you must assign Database Access. Click here to learn how to Assign Licenses and assign Database Access.

Archive Access

Archive security is specific to the Archive. Users must be granted access to an archive to view the documents within the archive. Click here to learn how to Manage Archive Security.

Search Access

All documents in an Archive are located and viewed using a Search. Click here to learn how to Manage Search Security.

You should now see the Login as Guest option on the login page.

Login windows with standard login and Login as Guest options.

Login Window


Dashboards provide a card style display for gaining access to your most common searches. While dashboards are intended to give public/guest users a simple navigation experience within the product, dashboards may also be used for internal users. Cloud users have the ability to manage Dashboards directly from the cloud admin management page.

Note:  Dashboards support markdown and images to allow for customization.

Configure a Dashboard

  1. Login to GlobalSearch as a user with administrative privileges.

  2. From the Administration( Administration Menu.png ) menu in the GlobalSearch toolbar, select Administration.

GlobalSearch search results view with the Administration menu expanded.
  1. Using the Links ( Links Menu.png ) menu in the GlobalSearch toolbar, select Dashboard from the dropdown list.

GlobalSearch Administration page with links menu expanded.
  1. From the Cloud Dashboard menu on the left, click Guest Configuration ( Guest Configuration.png ).

Cloud Dashboard Admin Dashboard page with the page options down the left.
  1. Give your dashboard a Title that is meaningful to the users who will access this dashboard.

  2. Give your dashboard a Message

Note: Use your message to convey to your users important information.  If you are using this as a public portal for non-employees, those users may need additional guidance.  You can provide this guidance here. Consider including some contact information for questions about using the portal.

  1. Add an Image to your dashboard by providing a URL to your image. 

Keep in mind if the image source is changed or removed, this will impact the image on your dashboard.  Best practice is to use an image URL that you control.

  1. Select a Scope.  These are the users that will see this dashboard when logging into GlobalSearch.  

    1. Everyone - All users will see this dashboard upon logging in.

    2. Users - Only authenticated users will see this dashboard.

    3. Guest - Only guest users will see this dashboard.

While you can create multiple dashboards, only one dashboard will be displayed per database. Dashboards scoped as Guest and Users will take priority over dashboards scoped for Everyone.

Dashboards are listed in the order they are created.  If multiple dashboards exist for the same scope, the one closest to the top of the list will be displayed. 

It is best practice to only create one dashboard per scope per database.

  1. Select a Database.  Each dashboard can only display searches and results for a single database.

Note: you can create dashboards for each database.

  1. Click Submit.  You will see a preview of the dashboard below the Create a new dashboard pane.

Adding Search to the Dashboard

If a search is enabled as a dashboard search and no dashboard is configured for the database, a generic dashboard head is displayed.

  1. Login to GlobalSearch as a user with administrative privileges.

  2. From the Administration( Administration Menu.png ) menu in the GlobalSearch toolbar, select Administration.

GlobalSearch search results view with the Administration menu expanded.
  1. Select Searches ( search.png ).

GlobalSearch Administration page to access searches.

GlobalSearch Administration Page

  1. Select your Database from the list and Create a New Search using the orange Add Search button ( Orange Add.png ) to create a root search, by clicking the Ellipsis ( ellipsis.png ) next to the archive in which to create the search and selecting New Search, or by modifying an Existing Search by clicking the Ellipsis ( ellipsis.png ) next to the search and selecting Edit.

Ellipsis menu for an archive with New Search option.

New Archive Search

Ellipsis menu for an existing search with edit and delete options.

Modify an Existing Search

  1. Click Advanced.

Search configuration page with advanced highlighted.

Search Configuration Page

  1. At the bottom, under Dashboard Search Options, click Enable Dashboard Search.  Enabling this option will display the search in the Dashboard. 

Dashboard search options when advanced options for a search are expanded.

Dashboard Search Options

  1. Additional Dashboard Search Options

    1. Always Prompt - If enabled, when a user clicks the search tile, the search prompt will be displayed.  If disabled, when a user clicks the search tile, the search will run without displaying the prompt.  To display the prompt, the user will need to click the search prompt icon ( slider.png ) on the tile.

    2. Icon - The icon that displays on the card to the left of the search name.  This is a type ahead list.  Icons are sourced from Google’s Material icon library. If left blank, the default icon is a magnifying glass ( search.png ).

    3. Description - Displays below the search name.  Provides a description of the search to your users.  This is useful to describe the results that will be returned, default parameters, etc.  Anything you want your users to know about the search. Each tile only displays the first line of the description but hovering over the tile will display the entire description. This can be very useful for public users who are less familiar with using the portal.

Search tile when Always Prompt is disabled.

Always Prompt Disabled

Search tile when Always prompt is enabled.

Always Prompt Enabled

Hover over the search tile to view the entire description.


  1. Click Save.

Repeat this for any searches you would like to appear on the Dashboard.

Any search provisioned as a Dashboard Search still requires the Authenticated or Guest user to have permissions to the search.

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